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Cheeseburger by Cannasol Farms (of Omak, Washington) is a deep, sumptuous strain that leaves the consumer feeling satisfied, like a cheeseburger after a hard day’s work. With a long, mysterious heritage coming out of Okanogan, this indica-dominant strain was entrusted to Cannasol to ensure its wholesome genetics were preserved. With yield-per-plant weight reaching several pounds each, this plant grows and grows. Cheeseburger has been known to grow especially well with long summer nights, and matures when the first ears of corn ripen on the stalk.

Big Tree | Double Cheeseburger | Premium Cannabis Flower | Indica | 14G


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    8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    License Number: C9-0000456-LIC
    Adult-Use Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC
    Medical Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC

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