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Total THC



Purple Daddy, indica

90+% THC | CBG


Inspired by Grand Daddy Purple

Grape, Floral, Berry


Flavor: Grape, Plum, Lavender

Aroma:  Sweet, Berry, Floral

Feeling:   Sleepy and Relaxed

Top Terpenes: Linalool, beta-Myrcene, delta-Limonene


There’s more to cannabis than THC. We highlight alternate cannabinoids in our products to provide you with a richer high. 

This product is accurately formulated for consistency and quality. The high potency you want for that big hit, with crafted terpene blends for excellent flavor.

Consistency and purity are key. We use the strain terpenes to provide you the same high, every time.

Our High THC products test at 90% THC and above, every time. 

Paired with mindfully engineered hardware for the best oil preservation and flavor enhancement.


Distillate done right. 

Halara | Purple Daddy | High THC Cartridge | 1G


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    Store Hours:


    8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    License Number: C9-0000456-LIC
    Adult-Use Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC
    Medical Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC

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