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Apple Fritter Baby Jeeter Infused - Five .5g Joints 2.5g | Hybrid | 37.00% THC Indoor Grown Infused with Distillate Oil & Kief


Apple Fritter, a true hybrid strain, is known for its powerful and relaxing high. It's a strain with secret origins, and those who enjoy Apple Fritter say this strain allows you to enjoy an evening without losing your cool. Apple Fritter has a flavor and aroma that come off as sweet and earthy, with a light cheesy apple pastry influence.

Jeeter | Apple Fritter | Baby Jeeter Infused 5 Pack | 2.5G| Hybrid


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    8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    License Number: C9-0000456-LIC
    Adult-Use Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC
    Medical Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC

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