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These lefty prerolls come in a 5-pack jar are coated with kief, super easy smoke and the burn time is longer than industry average!


Although Strawberry Banana seems like a taste combination best suited to a breakfast smoothie, it’s also the name of an indica-leaning hybrid developed by breeders DNA Genetics in collaboration with Serious Seeds. Strawberry Banana is a cross between two fruity strains: Bubble Gum and Banana Kush. With a universally—appealing flavor and an easygoing, mellow high, this strain enjoys wide popularity in the US. west coast market. Like many strong indicas, Strawberry Banana has a high that builds slowly, often taking several minutes after smokers have savored its unique taste before fully revealing its effects. Users will eventually feel a sharpened sensory perception, and may feel like certain sights or sounds have taken on a psychedelic component. These trippy -— but not entirely cerebral — effects can be well suited to enjoyment of low-key movies and music; they may also be just the thing for a long walk or a hike. Any initial mental impact from this strain is soon overtaken by powerful indica relaxation. Smokers may look to take a load off in the closest comfortable surroundings. Associative thinking persists throughout the high and may lend itself to creative thinking and problem solving. Couch lock is common in the later stages of the high. Because of its delayed sedative onset, Strawberry Banana is best suited to evening or nighttime use.

Left Coast | Strawberry Banana Premium Infused 5 Pk | 3.75G | Sativa


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