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Premium Indoor Exotic Flower

Irene x Sunset Sherb #10



 Mamba 24 is the perfect strain homage for Kobe: In-yourface looks, effects, and taste, Mamba will demonstrate every time why it’s the best of the best.


Mamba never misses and always wears streaks of purple while looking like a snow globe of trichomes.


Mamba 24, a Lakers fan magnet, is a heavy indica with some great components of tart / minty and spicy / woody aromas. The almost equal parts of humulene and linalool enhance that spicy quality of the caryophyllene. This strain will leave a slight spice on your tongue like you just bit a small peppercorn. These two terps also provide floral and earthy undertones as well. Both alpha and beta pinene are present in this strain as a racemic mixture. They compliment each other well giving an underlying pine taste that makes this strain an amazing contrast of many qualities. Aside from the symphony of aromas, Mamba’s variety of terpenes provides numerous physical effects including stress relief, CB2 activation, pain relief, and slight focus improvement. Customers rave about the uniqueness of this strain.

Traditional | Mamba 24 Premium Indoor Flower | 3.5G Price


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    8:00 AM - 10:00 PM

    License Number: C9-0000456-LIC
    Adult-Use Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC
    Medical Nonstorefront: C9-0000546-LIC

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