Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. This heavy hitter boasts a pronounced profile that combines sweet berries and diesel with tar, tea, pine, and pepper. Loved for its purported appetite and mental clarity-inducing power, it's often sought for its ability to promote sleep and ease stress. Expect the ultimate palate punch followed by a decompression session.
turpentine pine - tko - training
turn 100% live resin comes from a fresh-frozen cannabis plant that's never dried. That way, it retains its natural terpenes and compounds for a floaty, fantastic entourage effect.
Our process is meticulous in preserving the delicate flower and leaves you with an oil boasting all the fragrances and flavors the good earth intended.
// oil highlights //
Single source
California fresh grown
Tested and verified clean
Vegan, non-GMO, ultra pure
No cut, no filler, all plant
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Best of Weedmaps is called “The People’s Choice”, because Weedmaps users will help choose the 2020 Best of Weedmaps winners by ordering, reviewing, favoriting, and following their favorite semifinalists.
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